Joe Blow?

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Joe Blow?

Unread post by NorthernCaliMobbin »

Is that nigga still fuckin with Rue?? I been seeing him on a lot of videos with Regime, Blast nd AJ.. Some of them niggas seem like they really got it out for Rue haha. Hope that mean Blow, Blast nd Bearfaced drop some shit together soon.
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Re: Joe Blow?

Unread post by DannyBo »

Blow always been cool w/ Rue & only has one vid with AJ & Blast Holiday.... doesn't fuck w/ them tough or done hella shit with them LOL..... Nobody got shit to say bout Rue but them Ice City Niggas that ain't even relevant with this rap shit. Don't get caught up in these girly rumors fam....

Re: Joe Blow?

Unread post by NorthernCaliMobbin »

DannyBo wrote:Blow always been cool w/ Rue & only has one vid with AJ & Blast Holiday.... doesn't fuck w/ them tough or done hella shit with them LOL..... Nobody got shit to say bout Rue but them Ice City Niggas that ain't even relevant with this rap shit. Don't get caught up in these girly rumors fam....
Good lookin bruh haha a nigga was just wondering from wat I see on videos nd shyt aha. Shady how all them niggaz did Rue so was hoping Blow didn't just switch up on bruh too
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Re: Joe Blow?

Unread post by Streetz »

i been seein rue movin real heavy wit them AK niggas
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Re: Joe Blow?

Unread post by CashMeOut »

Isn't Rue from Ice City? I'm sorry but if you're a GANGSTA rapper & you can't walk around your hood, and get respect, I don't care how good you can rap, you're a complete failure in my eyes. You don't gotta be liked by everybody in your hood but they better respect you if you're really livin all the gangsta shit you rap about. I need authenticity in my gangsta rap. Rue seems to be the complete opposite of that. If he started makin some party type shit or some backpack type shit, I might fuck with dude but I can't support somebody who is out there doin all that high power fakin.

Re: Joe Blow?

Unread post by NorthernCaliMobbin »

CashMeOut wrote:Isn't Rue from Ice City? I'm sorry but if you're a GANGSTA rapper & you can't walk around your hood, and get respect, I don't care how good you can rap, you're a complete failure in my eyes. You don't gotta be liked by everybody in your hood but they better respect you if you're really livin all the gangsta shit you rap about. I need authenticity in my gangsta rap. Rue seems to be the complete opposite of that. If he started makin some party type shit or some backpack type shit, I might fuck with dude but I can't support somebody who is out there doin all that high power fakin.
I mean I don't know any of these niggas so I can't really say, but looks like they was all fucking with real tough Rue before. H and Rue went bad over some Livewire shit.. Them other Ice City niggas and Rue went bad over some unpaid money.. And them Livewire niggas and Rue went bad over a video Rue put out with a thang talking about how niggas gonna do him like that, even tho Philthy was saying it was over some other shit and calling Rue a fied.. I mean, cmon bruh if it was over that he shoulda been stop fucking with bruh.. From what I hear and seen atleast.

Nd Blow seem like a real nigga, so if Rue was a sukka I dont think he'd fuck with em.. Unless it's just on some music shyt, but they really seem coo tho so idk.

Re: Joe Blow?

Unread post by Milk »

I seam blow fuckin wit Lil AJ a lot lately on Instagram an songs n videos latetpy
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Re: Joe Blow?

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I think lil rue has fell off a bit in the past years with all his beef with everyone and I truthfully think he just be too fucked up sometimes. He's been pretty active on fb lately and actually said he hasn't been drinking that much bo lately. I heard him on a song with someone recently and he just sounded like straight shit from sippin too much. Idk I kind of look at rue and Lox in the same light truthfully, They both had some shit happen with the labels they were on and kind of went their own way. And Now Lox and rue are on more shit together than anyone. Rue is getting money still, Idk about blow not fuckin with him. I think blow is just expanding his features and fuckin with more people is all, Blow don't even do shit with lox anymore. Just seems to me really that they are doing their own thing, making their own money.
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Re: Joe Blow?

Unread post by DEV »

Rue has been fuckin' with MDOT and seattle a lot lately too, hes on tracks with ampichino, bossi and people like that.
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Re: Joe Blow?

Unread post by DannyBo »

I agree w/ what all my nigs saying here w/ alot of points. What alot fail to realize is these niggas are wigglin' all over the place, in LA 2 days, in Seattle 2 days, in KC 2 days & when it comes to them trying to make music with niggas they had past (or present) beefs with..... why would they care? You really think these niggas w/ there big ass ego's really give 1 fuck what the fans want to hear them do collab wise? It's more of a convenience type a deal..... With the Ice City Niggas that CashMeOut talking about, that bridge been burned over a year ago & I don't see Rue trying to go back that direction and make amends. I personally have heard Rue on tracks that haven't been released yet to the public and some of his shit IS OFF THE FUCKING CHAINS, none of that slurring or talking about how much money he got.... Just that shit we want to hear from him, pure deep street records. Can't wait till you niggas get to hear this shit....
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