Original File grabbers only
Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:40 pm
If you are grabbing any files off of any sites. let me know cause u might be doing it wrong. make sure your getting the original format that was uploaded and not encoded in 256 or whatever u wanted it encoded as. just keep the file as is. if u need help on me showing u how to do that, just pm me and i'll show u but please don't do it like that. reasson i notice is because the program labels it like that. so i could telll. I thiink people would rather have the original format then a file thats ripped in 128 and uploaded and someoene grabs it and encodes it from flv to mp3 256. don't do that. just change the file name. be smart people, there trying to trick u with that copywrite bs thats why. there a way around it. holla at me if u neeed any help with a catcher.