Andre Nickatina wants $100,000 to drop new album

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Re:  Andre Nickatina wants $100,000 to drop new album

Unread post by beastmode »

Abc ass rapper still smoking that rock that's why his stupid ass broke..
[youtube] [/youtube]
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Re:  Andre Nickatina wants $100,000 to drop new album

Unread post by lungsfull »

If he needs money he shou8ld be promoting the fuck out of this comp with Savage-C money for nickatina good for Sav too
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Re:  Andre Nickatina wants $100,000 to drop new album

Unread post by msf-habit »

his last cd was boo i hit him up for a feature and he said he dont do features anymore.hella weak
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Re:  Andre Nickatina wants $100,000 to drop new album

Unread post by Town Bidnezz »

msf-habit wrote:his last cd was boo i hit him up for a feature and he said he dont do features anymore.hella weak
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Re:  Andre Nickatina wants $100,000 to drop new album

Unread post by GhettoPrimeMinister »

Ya'll muthafuckahz are some God damn haterz! Lol this doesnt even sound like a Bay website right now! 5 years prior a lot of ya'll woulda been mentioning King Nicky up in the best Bay rappers of all time thread. Then years later after a little hiatus or whatever, the brother is asking his fans to support him making a new project and you guys are acting like hes wack, fucked up, broke an everything else. What??!..I know I'm preaching to the quoir a little bit, but do ya'll not see all the fuck shit that these fake ass lame ass corporate rappers do? Not to mention all the money they make?! So what if an independent legend whos prolly easily 40+ years old is asking for a hunid racks to make whats probably @ least a solid if not dope album. If "real fans" myself included supported him throughout the years he wouldn't have to ask for shit! And again I'm talking about myself too but you know for a fact theres been plenty of Dre Dog/Andre Nickatina albums posted on BOT & TBS over the years.

Allow me to continue ( and yeah Nickatina is one of my favorite rappers). Are you telling me that the My Middle Name Is Crime album with Jack ( another legend that in the grand scheme of things died broke and a lot poorer than any of these 15 minutes of fame fuck boys) was trash??. Is Popeyes Certified off Khan: The Me Generation trash? Is Call The Dealer trash?? An just to be fair that white girls with big old butts track he did was indead trash lol but my whole point is independent rap kings with loyal cult followings i.e. all the rappers we celebrate on here like The Jacka, HD, Rich The Factor, Ampichino, Cartiyay, and of course Nickatina should already be workin with M's. They shouldn't have to ask you for shit, you should've already givin it.
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Re:  Andre Nickatina wants $100,000 to drop new album

Unread post by Dankbomb »

GhettoPrimeMinister wrote:Ya'll muthafuckahz are some God damn haterz! Lol this doesnt even sound like a Bay website right now! 5 years prior a lot of ya'll woulda been mentioning King Nicky up in the best Bay rappers of all time thread. Then years later after a little hiatus or whatever, the brother is asking his fans to support him making a new project and you guys are acting like hes wack, fucked up, broke an everything else. What??!..I know I'm preaching to the quoir a little bit, but do ya'll not see all the fuck shit that these fake ass lame ass corporate rappers do? Not to mention all the money they make?! So what if an independent legend whos prolly easily 40+ years old is asking for a hunid racks to make whats probably @ least a solid if not dope album. If "real fans" myself included supported him throughout the years he wouldn't have to ask for shit! And again I'm talking about myself too but you know for a fact theres been plenty of Dre Dog/Andre Nickatina albums posted on BOT & TBS over the years.

Allow me to continue ( and yeah Nickatina is one of my favorite rappers). Are you telling me that the My Middle Name Is Crime album with Jack ( another legend that in the grand scheme of things died broke and a lot poorer than any of these 15 minutes of fame fuck boys) was trash??. Is Popeyes Certified off Khan: The Me Generation trash? Is Call The Dealer trash?? An just to be fair that white girls with big old butts track he did was indead trash lol but my whole point is independent rap kings with loyal cult followings i.e. all the rappers we celebrate on here like The Jacka, HD, Rich The Factor, Ampichino, Cartiyay, and of course Nickatina should already be workin with M's. They shouldn't have to ask you for shit, you should've already givin it.

That's the truth!!! I agree with u 100%!

Wish him and equipto would do another album.
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Re:  Andre Nickatina wants $100,000 to drop new album

Unread post by GhettoPrimeMinister »

Thanks for the co-sign, Dank. I appreciate it bro. On the Kickstarter page theres a minute+ snippet of a song that appears to be dedicated to The Jacka and it sounds dope! Has a crazy ass female vocal sample on it.

I know many of us do support regional and independent rap and TBS plays a MAJOR roll in promoting many of these artists while at the same time helping to move the culture forward and in the direction that it needs to be going. Over the years I myself have become aware of many of these artists through the good work that these brothers put it running what I personally consider to be the best online hip-hop/rap forum out there. With that being said, this is no means an attack on TBS or on file sharing, etc. All I'm really saying is for us to give these artists that we hold in such high regard, flowers while they're still alive to smell them (pause).
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Re:  Andre Nickatina wants $100,000 to drop new album

Unread post by GhettoPrimeMinister »

Is this album yet come out?
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Re:  Andre Nickatina wants $100,000 to drop new album

Unread post by lungsfull »

GhettoPrimeMinister wrote:Is this album yet come out?

wassup GPM?

sadly no, this is not out yet. apparently andre nickatina tricked these dummies into giving him the money and he has not put out shit yet.

this is one of the latest nickatina songs and it is pretty old. dude just tours shitty places in CA and nevada too.

Andre_Nickatina_Savage_C_Sugar_Shane (1).mp3
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